Ohio AFL-CIO Workers’ Memorial Day 2019 Remarks

Ohio AFL-CIO Workers’ Memorial Day 2019 Remarks

Good afternoon sisters and brothers. My name is Jeremy Baiman and I am here today on behalf of the Central Ohio Workers Center. Our mission is to advocate for, and organize with, immigrants and workers in Central Ohio who do not yet have the protections of a union...

A Victory For Workers: Recovered Wages for More Construction Workers

A Victory For Workers: Recovered Wages for More Construction Workers

When an employer doesn’t pay wages owed to workers, the COWC mobilizes and acts as an advocate, advisor, and support network for workers every step of the way. Two recent cases were similar at the outset but required different action! In one recent case the COWC...

A Victory for Workers: Recovered Two Months of Unpaid Wages

A Victory for Workers: Recovered Two Months of Unpaid Wages

In 2018, the Central Ohio Workers’ Center (“COWC”) helped workers who were victims of wage theft recover their rightfully earned, but unpaid, wages. In addition, the COWC took action to stop unlawful child labor practices at a local building site and educated workers...

Amazon and the Fight for $15

Amazon and the Fight for $15

On Tuesday, Amazon made headlines around the world as they announced a new $15 minimum wage for all employees. But heaping praise on the trillion dollar company and celebrating victory is both premature and short sighted.

Happy Labor Day From Central Ohio Worker Center!

Happy Labor Day From Central Ohio Worker Center!

  Labor Day is an opportunity to celebrate the central role workers play in the economy and society. By fighting against wage theft and other labor law violations, supporting collective action in the workplace and standing up for the human rights of all...

World Refugee Day

World Refugee Day

Refugee, noun: a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution. Today is World Refugee Day, and given the news in the last days and weeks it is easy to become inundated, numb, desensitized to the plight of those fleeing their homes to...

New Program Giving House Cleaners Access to Benefits!

New Program Giving House Cleaners Access to Benefits!

House cleaners deserve benefits like paid sick time, disability insurance, accident/illness insurance and more. Alia is a new program created by Fair Care Labs and National Domestic Workers Alliance that allows employers to chip in for these benefits. To learn more...