Ali Smith: A Beacon of Empowerment
COWC Walking the Talk In a world where gender equality remains an ongoing struggle, it is promising to witness the rise of women who break barriers and shatter glass ceilings. Ali Smith embodies the spirit of empowerment and social justice and we are thrilled to...

Are you a Pregnant, Postpartum, or Pumping Worker?
January 24, 2024 Two new laws came into place in 2023 that provide expanded protections to workers who are pregnant, postpartum or pumping. These laws are the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) and the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act...

U.S. Department of Labor Final Rule: Employees or Independent Contractors under the FLSA
Yesterday, the federal Department of Labor announced a rule that might reduce the risk of employees being mislabelled as independent contractors. This rule is effective on March 11, 2024, and it is particularly important for workers who are mislabelled as independent...

Central Ohio Worker Center Empowers Dominican Learning Center Students with Know Your Rights in the Workplace Training
The Central Ohio Worker Center, committed to promoting workplace rights and justice through empowering, educating, and advocating for low-wage and immigrant workers, partnered with the Dominican Learning Center to provide comprehensive Know Your Rights in the...

Workers’ Legislative, Public Policy, and Labor Updates
Pay Stubs – House Bill 106 requires Ohio employers to provide pay stubs to their employees. COWC Director of Programs, Claudia Cortez, recently submitted written testimony to the House Commerce and Labor Committee in support of HB 106. She stated in her testimony that...

COWC: Outreach and Relationship Building
Martin de Porres Center Resource Event: COWC tabled at the Martin de Porres Center resource event on Saturday, November 4th, 2023, along with other great community organizations. We shared COWC resources and information with the community. COWC believes intentional...

Central Ohio Worker Center Shines at the 2023 EARNCon
The Central Ohio Worker Center had the opportunity to present again at the Economic Analysis and Research Network annual conference (EARNCon), held this year in Detroit. This annual gathering of researchers, policy analysts, and grassroots organizers from around the...

COWC tables at the Mexican Consulate to Empower Local Community
In order not to leave any low-wage and migrant worker behind when it comes to empowering, educating, and advocating for worker justice, the COWC is bent on taking advantage of every community event to make valuable resources and information available for everyone....

Central Ohio Worker Center bags a Prestigious Award
The Central Ohio Worker Center (COWC) bagged a prestigious 2023 Latino Heritage Month Esperanza de la Comunidad Award. This award, offered by the Members of the Columbus City Council, is a prestigious recognition that acknowledges the outstanding efforts of those who...

Connections: The Child Labor Reform, Union, and Civil Rights Movements
Know your rights in the workplace, child labor laws, and resources available for workers under the age of 18 years of age. Learn about the long history of coordinated and organized partnerships between labor organizations and civil rights leaders. Thank you to Petee...