The Whole Fabric of Society Rests Upon Labor

The inscription on the northeast corner of the Ohio Judicial Center (65 S. Front St., Columbus, OH 43215) reads, “The Whole Fabric of Society Rests Upon Labor.” When the building opened in 1933, workers in mines, factories, shops, construction, aviation, agriculture, processing plants, hotels and restaurants were on the move, organizing for union recognition, better pay and working conditions, and dignity and respect on the job and in their communities.  The following year a diverse working class rose up to participate in massive strikes in San Francisco, Minneapolis, Toledo, and across New England, the Northeast, and the South. By 1935, Congress would pass the National Labor Relations Act, sweeping labor law reform legislation which paved the way for the greatest increase in unionization in U.S. history and a substantial decrease in economic inequality. This Labor Day 2019, the Central Ohio Worker Center celebrates the proud history of the labor movement as we work together to build a better future for all working people.