The Central Ohio Worker Center (COWC) bagged a prestigious 2023 Latino Heritage Month Esperanza de la Comunidad Award. This award, offered by the Members of the Columbus City Council, is a prestigious recognition that acknowledges the outstanding efforts of those who work tirelessly to improve the lives of the Latino community. It highlights leaders and organizations who positively impact the future of Latinos in Columbus and embody “esperanza” and “raices”. Specifically, The Esperanza de la Comunidad Award is awarded to an organization that promotes the well-being of the Latino community, is led by the Latino and not only advocates for our community but provides services and opportunities that ensure its betterment.

This year, Councilmember Lourdes Barroso de Padilla offered the award and recognized COWC as the honoree at El Futuro/The Future Art Show on Friday, October 13th. Claudia Cortez, Director of Programs, and Isbel Alvarado, Case Manager, accepted the award. Attendees were treated to good music and inspiring stories of dedication, compassion, and resilience. The event brought together community leaders, activists, and supporters who share the goal of creating a brighter future for Latinos in Columbus.
The COWC team appreciated the City Council for this incredible recognition. The center director, Claudia Cortez, said, “We are humbled to receive the 2023 Latino Heritage MonthEsperanza de la Comunidad Award, an award presented to individuals and organizations for their outstanding contributions to the Latino community. There is still much work to be done, but we will continue to build bridges and break down barriers for workers.”Living up to the center’s mission, we will continue to work to fill a crucial gap in our community by educating, empowering, and advocating for and with low-wage and immigrant workers in Central Ohio.